- extraterrestrial being
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English-Russian base dictionary . 2014.
English-Russian base dictionary . 2014.
extraterrestrial being — noun a form of life assumed to exist outside the Earth or its atmosphere • Syn: ↑extraterrestrial, ↑alien • Derivationally related forms: ↑alien (for: ↑alien), ↑extraterrestrial (for … Useful english dictionary
Ashtar (extraterrestrial being) — Ashtar is the name of a purported extraterrestrial being, who was first claimed to be channeled by early UFO contactee George Van Tassel, on 18 July 1952. Contents 1 Van Tassel 2 Ashtar Command 3 Tuella 4 … Wikipedia
extraterrestrial — ([e^]ks tr[.a]*t[e^]r r[e^]s tr[i^]*al), n. a hypothetical form of life existing outside the Earth or its atmosphere, especially intelligent life on other planets or in other solar systems; as, what would you say to an extraterrestrial?. Syn:… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
extraterrestrial — [eks΄trətə res′trē əl] adj. existing, taking place, or coming from outside the limits of the earth n. an extraterrestrial being, as in science fiction … English World dictionary
extraterrestrial — I. adjective Date: 1848 originating, existing, or occurring outside the earth or its atmosphere < extraterrestrial life > II. noun Date: 1950 an extraterrestrial being … New Collegiate Dictionary
extraterrestrial — extraterrestrially, adv. /ek streuh teuh res tree euhl/, adj. 1. outside, or originating outside, the limits of the earth. n. 2. an extraterrestrial being: a science fiction novel about extraterrestrials conquering the earth. [1865 70; EXTRA +… … Universalium
extraterrestrial — ex•tra•ter•res•tri•al [[t]ˌɛk strə təˈrɛs tri əl[/t]] adj. 1) astron. existing or originating outside the limits of the earth 2) cvb an extraterrestrial being • Etymology: 1865–70 ex tra•ter•res′tri•al•ly, adv … From formal English to slang
Extraterrestrial liquid water — Extraterrestrial liquid water, the presence of water in its liquid state, is a subject of wide interest because it is a commonly suggested prerequisite for the emergence of extraterrestrial life. Earth, with oceanic water covering 71% of its… … Wikipedia
Extraterrestrial — (or Extra terrestrial) may refer to any object or being beyond () the planet Earth (terrestrial). It is derived from the Latin extra ( outside , outwards ) and terrestris ( earthly , of or relating to the Earth ). It may refer… … Wikipedia
extraterrestrial — [n] alien E.T.*, little green man*, Martian, men from outer space*, space being, space inhabitant; concept 423 … New thesaurus
extraterrestrial — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ of or from outside the earth or its atmosphere. ► NOUN ▪ a hypothetical or fictional being from outer space … English terms dictionary